4 Ways To Help Control Morning Sickness
Morning sickness can be the bane of a pregnant woman. If you are pregnant and suffering from morning sickness, you may be looking for ways to handle your morning sickness so that your days aren't as bad.
Eat Frequently
One thing that you can do is to eat little meals several times a day. Having an empty stomach may make your morning sickness worse. Your meals don't have to be a full meal, but something like a piece of fruit, some crackers, and some cheese can help keep your stomach full and your nausea away. Just be careful with spicy or highly flavored foods. Mild or bland foods may work better for you than something that is highly flavored.
Ginger has been used for centuries to help with nausea. You can use ginger to help with your morning sickness. You can drink ginger ale, as long as it has a lot of ginger in it, or you can make your own ginger tea. You can do that by peeling some ginger root, which you can find at your local grocery, and steeping it in some hot water. You could also use various ginger products, like syrup or tablets. If you want something that can help you boost your blood sugar as well as help with your nausea, you can try some candied ginger.
Protein Rich Food
While you are eating your small meals, you may want to consider adding in some protein-rich foods. Try eating some nuts, especially nuts like almonds. Almonds are also full of vitamin B, which is good for you and can help with your child's developing spinal cord.
Cold Meals
The smell of cooking may make you feel ill. If you do, then you may want to try eating cold meals. That can include things like salads, yogurt, and cheeses. You could also have someone else do the cooking for you, when you are in another room or not at home, and then eat the leftovers. Cold chicken can turn into chicken salad or added to a lettuce salad to help add some protein to your diet.
If you are pregnant, you may have to deal with morning sickness. If your morning sickness is so bad that you can't keep anything down or you losing weight, you should make sure that you see your OB/GYN or go to a clinic,All Women's Clinic, because that can be dangerous to you and your baby.