How The Nanoknife Procedure May Help Those With Inoperable Brain Cancer
Cancer is always a frightening disease and inoperable brain cancer is probably the worst. People who suffer from this disease are in a situation that may feel hopeless; however, it doesn't have to feel that way anymore because of the dawning of the Nanoknife procedure.
Inoperable Brain Tumors May Feel Like A Death Sentence
Brain tumors are always a frightening situation and are often considered the least operable type of cancer. That's because the brain is such a delicate organ and is located near so many blood vessels. As a result, surgery is often ruled out and other treatment methods, such as radiation and chemotherapy, must be turned to as a medical solution.
However, these treatment methods often just slow or stop the spread of the tumor and allow it to stay where it has already grown. As a result, the tumor could still interfere with a person's physical and mental health. Thankfully, Nanoknife may help remove brain tumors that were previously thought impossible to remove.
The Nature Of Nanoknife
Nanoknife is a minimally-invasive surgery that uses small needles that are placed directly in the tumor and in the general area. After insertion, small bursts of electricity make tiny holes in the cancer cells without harming the surrounding area. As a result, the cancer cell will die.
More and more doctors are turning to this treatment because it is effective, pain-free, and avoids serious surgical issues. And while it isn't regularly used to treat brain cancer due to the sensitive nature of the cells, it could be adapted for use in that way if your brain tumor cannot be removed.
How It Can Help With Inoperable Tumors
The use of Nanoknife surgery has expanded to use in a variety of situations. For example, a person with inoperable brain cancer could be placed under general anesthetic and have these small electrodes passed into the brain around the tumor. The needles would be inserted carefully to minimize or eliminate the risk of actually damaging the brain.
Once they were inserted, the treatment specialists could use small and controlled bursts of electricity to kill the tumors. The use of this procedure is very delicate with brain cancer and requires a specialized approach that won't injure or kill your brain cells in the process.
While there is a risk of that happening, it has become so small as to be negligible. As a result, it is wise to talk to your doctors about the benefits of this procedure. Each treatment takes no more than 2-4 hours and may help get rid of a brain tumor that, years ago, would have been fatal. For more information about the Nanoknife procedure, contact an oncologist in your area or speak with the professionals at Atlas Oncology.